Teaching sources for informational text

Search a bibliographic database of more than 1.1 million citations on education topics going back to 1966. Over 100,000 full text available for free.
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Education Resources Information Center. Access 52,282 teaching jobs and more education jobs for FREE. Get email alerts and save time! Use SchoolSpring Plus to apply to any job, anywhere in the world!
Putting Educational Innovations Into Practice: Find peer reviewed online teaching and learning materials. Share advice and expertise about education with expert
Nonfiction Text Structures/Nonfiction.
Teaching NONFICTION Text Structures. This page will suggest ways to teach nonfiction reading comprehension and expository writing through teaching nonfiction text
Education Resources Information Center. Education Resources Information Center. *Teaching Maddeness*
Features projects for helping children respect differences and personal challenges that impact other students in their classes.
Teaching sources for informational text
MERLOT - Multimedia Educational Resource.Why evaluate Web pages (many examples of good and bad pages, Checklist for evaluating, Techniques for finding out who is responsible, who owns the domain name
Amanda Madden Simpsonville, SC I've been teaching 2nd grade for 15 years and am convinced it is the BEST grade ever!! View my complete profile
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